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244 total results

Michaelina Wautier

De leading lady van de barok

Uit eerste hand



Uit eerste hand



XIIth North Sea History Conference

The XIIth North Sea History Conference in 2017 seeks to involve maritime museum professionals and academic scholars, to generate knowledge and present new findings about the maritime culture of the North Sea region.


The Red Star Line Museum is a great destination for a surprising class outing.

Visiting the museum with your family

A family outing in the fascinating setting of the Red Star Line Museum is always fun. Everyone will enjoy it because the museum caters to everyone’s needs.


Are you looking for a cultural teambuilding event for your employees? Check out our selection of tours and city walking tours. If you are also looking for an intercultural approach then a tour that highlights personal experiences is a possibility.

Grain elevator 19

The historic grain elevator is under joint management of the MAS and the Maritime Museum Rotterdam. The extraordinary vessel will moor half of the time in Antwerp and the other half in Rotterdam.


The Eilandje was the place where people gathered on their way to the New World. The magnificent Red Star Line steamers moored on the quay just before the bend in the Scheldt River. When the steam whistle announced an impending departure, the quay swarmed with activity. The Eilandje is currently a sought after place in the city.

Come aboard

Does the Red Star Line Museum hold a special place in your heart? Are you fascinated by the unique story that the museum tells? Was a member of your family a passenger on a Red Star Line ship? Welcome to the Museum family.

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