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Optreden van Lander en Andriaan op het dak van het MAS
Jonathan Ramael

What's there to do

Are you planning a visit alone or with the family? Will you be visiting with your class, school, company or a group? You'll find all kinds of activities here.

Guided tours

Discover our range of guided group tours.

Bring your class to the MAS

Teachers can act as a guide and provide a tour for their class at the MAS. Or they can book a guided tour for their class.

The MAS for youngsters

The MAS in Young Hands organises super cool activities in the MAS for youngsters aged 16 to 26.

Lectures at the MAS

Lama Zeupa

About Buddhism
    Sunday 11 May 2025 from 14:00 to 15:30

How does the Buddhist tradition view compassion? Is it an aspiration or is it peculiar to human beings? Tibetan teacher Lama Zeupa, Buddhist and meditation expert gives answers to those questions.

Is our brain equipped for it?

    Tuesday 29 April 2025 from 18:00 to 21:30

Neurophysiologist Christian Keysers (University of Amsterdam) and psychologist Stephan Claes (KULeuven) on man's (or not) innate capacity for compassion and empathy and how this affects his worldview.

Does it help us collaborate?

    Thursday 22 May 2025 from 18:00 to 21:30

Sociologist and theologian Anne Birgitta Pessi (University of Helsinki) and Emmanuel Van Lierde (Curando, Tertio) on the applicability of compassion in various spheres of life.

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