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246 total results

Objects on the move

Many museums in Belgium and abroad are eager to borrow works from the MAS. You may come across pieces from the MAS collection at exhibitions all over the world. Would you like to borrow an artefact for your own exhibition?


Communities and individuals as well as museum and academic partners contribute to the MAS stories. For each project, partners complement each other's knowledge and talents.

Virtual guided tour 100 x Congo

A virtual tour based on images from objects in the exhibition.

Conditions of sale

Read the general sales conditions of the Antwerp City Museums here.


Altar of Antwerp

Since 2012, the Mestizo Arts Platform (MAP) collective has been maintaining and renewing the Altar of Antwerp: a participatory installation that invites us to reflect on the meaning of 'what we have lost' in the city. This has been a part of the MAS' permanent collection since 2017.

Celebration! | About colourful rituals

CLOSED | Celebration! invited you to celebrate the moments of transition in life. A mix of festive objects, in an colourful arrangement with a unique soundtrack.

World Port | About trade and shipping

Closed 22.08.2021

CLOSED | Once the largest port in the world, today the Port of Antwerp is characterised by colourful containers. It connects the city with the rest of the world. The exhibition 'Wordl Port' dived into the history of our port.

Life & Death | Of Gods and mankind

In this exhibition you could find out how others experience and approach the end of life. Across the boundaries of time, culture and religion.

A unique collection of vessels

The MAS manages the largest collection of historical vessels in the country. For years, it was displayed under the shelters next to Het Steen, but after a spectacular relocation operation, the vessels found a new home at the Dry Docks site.

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