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16 total results

Breaking Boundaries

Antwerp Olympic city

The organisation of the Games in Antwerp was a feat in and of itself, and were really groundbreaking. In this small exhibition, you can view posters, photos, trophies and more.

Celebration! | About colourful rituals

CLOSED | Celebration! invited you to celebrate the moments of transition in life. A mix of festive objects, in an colourful arrangement with a unique soundtrack.

Antwerp à la carte

A guide will show you the surprising, tortuous and often invisible trail of the food chain through Antwerp.

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Discover the story of Antwerp, its port and its intense freight traffic. Together with a guide, you will depart in late antiquity and travel on into the present day.

City at war. Antwerp, 1940-1945

What does it mean to live in an occupied city? What choices did city residents make: flee, cooperate with the occupier or resist? The expo shows the impact of WWII on Antwerp and its inhabitants. What would you do? You'll find out together with the guide.

Book a guide via Experience Antwerp

MAS tour for non-Dutch-speakers

On this tour, you'll learn the story behind this exceptional building and its collections and exhibitions. Experience the encounters that the river and the port have brought about for centuries.

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