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Michaelina - Baroque's leading lady

The MAS hostst the Rubens House

Two of the city's museums will be teaming up for the first retrospective exhibition about the work of Michaelina Wautier (1614–1689), in a unique partnership between the Rubens House and the MAS. The exhibition is a world premiere in demonstrating the exceptional talent of an artist who became popular in a period when female artists were very rare. Her work is so varied and unique that it defies all imagination when it comes to art history.


19.05.2017 - 20.08.2017

CLOSED - Great art needs no explanation to touch people. Some works of art leave observers bewildered; others allow them to 'see' from a different perspective. The exhibition 'Encounters' was about a universal experience of art. Dancers in the exhibition were guides of sensibility for the observer; they reinforced the total experience.

Dazzling Desire - Diamonds and their emotional meaning

18.10.2017 - 14.01.2018

CLOSED - People have desires. They desire love and security. They desire to understand the meaning of life. They also desire wealth, status and power... In the exhibition Dazzling Desire, visitors discovered how mankind has made these desires tangible with striking objects, often consisting of diamonds.

Instinct - A beastly exhibition

A bold look at the collection

In 2018 the youngsters of MAS in young hands took over a floor of the museum. A unique exhibition that revealed the animal side of the museum collection with creative materials and a wild programme.

Chocolate Secrets

3.03.2017 - 26.11.2017

CLOSED - The MAS | Visible Storage displayed hidden gems from the MAS collection and from private collections in the exhibition ‘Chocolate Secrets’. A surprising exhibition about the origins of cocoa and how it has been enjoyed in Antwerp for five centuries.

Glass in MAS

20/04/2018 - 1/10/2018

At the Visible Storage, you could experience the exquisite glass collection of the MAS Vleeshuis collection.

Antwerp Baroque 2018 Opening Weekend

AThe opening weekend of ‘Antwerp Baroque 2018. Rubens inspires’ kicks off on the 1st of June! Visit the new expositions ‘Michaelina’, 'Celebration!' and the solo exhibition of photographer Athos Burez.

100 x Congo

The exhibition ‘100 x Congo’ features one hundred unique highlights from our Congolese collection. What stories are hidden behind the objects? How did they end up here? What did they mean to Congolese peoples? And what about the African presence in Antwerp?

Live wall painting

Three young artists took up the challenge to overhaul a complete wall. Inspired by the 'Instinct' exhibition, they came up with a design. You can see them live at work during the weekend.

Cool Japan

The exhibition 'Cool Japan' takes you on a whirlwind tour of the global fascination for Japanese visual culture. With unique historical pieces, the MAS shows how Japanese icons such as Hello Kitty, Zelda and Sailor Moon are all part of a long tradition and how both new and old Japanese art continues to inspire the world.

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