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54 total results

Reinel Bakole

Reinel Bakole takes you on a personal and artistic journey into her own musical universe with her debut album ‘Healing Exhaustion’.

    Friday 6 September 2024 from 19:00 to 21:30

The Great White Silence

(1924, Herbert Ponting)

Come and enjoy this breathtaking documentary in which you dive into the famous expedition to the South Pole. You will discover the beauty of the vast Antarctic landscape.

    Sunday 30 June 2024 from 19:00 to 22:00

To the Antarctic

Belgica's polar pioneers

From 21 June, come and meet the expedition members of the Belgica. Some 125 years ago, they set off from Antwerp to the last blind spot on the world map: Antarctica. The expedition got stuck in the polar ice and made history as a result. Learn how the men managed to survive, who followed in their footsteps, and what Antarctica is like today.

    Friday 21 June 2024 until Sunday 3 November 2024 from 10:00 to 17:00

To the Antarctic

Belgica's polar pioneers

Together with a guide, you will depart on the Belgica, heading for Antarctica. During the tour, you will get to know the research ship's very young crew and how they are forced to spend the winter in the Antarctic. You will also reflect on climate warming on the continent today.

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