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Actual loans

In the MAS, you can see the world. Or at least part of it, because the world also wants to see the MAS. After all, the extraordinary pieces in the MAS are often of great interest to other national and international museums. The MAS regularly receives requests for temporary loans of objects. And we are happy to do so. The pieces from the MAS collection can be found not only in Antwerp, but all over the world. New York, Morocco or Shanghai? It's all possible.

Brabofountain to museum DIVA

This unique silver showpiece is one of the permanent loans to DIVA. It is a copy of the Brabofountain in Antwerp's Grote Markt. The bronze statues on a rock of basalt stones were executed in silver and set on a rock of amethyst.

MAS-collection on the Belgian coast

The NAVIGO Fisheries Museum in Oostduinkerke reopened its doors on 7 September 2024. The MAS gave some remarkable pieces on loan.

Enchanted by gold

Gold objects to Wereldmuseum in Leiden

For the exhibition “Enchantd by gold” the MAS, in collaboration with the Flemish Community, lent eight gold objects, all from the Paul & Dora Janssen-Arts collection.  The expo highlights the role of gold in different cultures around the world.

MAS loans Robert Mols

CEPA-expo untill 25 may 2025

The expo features loans from the Royal Yacht Club of Belgium and private collectors. A detailed Antwerp roadsted view and ship models attributed to Robert Mols, are the eye-catchers from the MAS collection.

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