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We call it Riverside but you can call it L.O.

For the exhibition 'Le Corbusier. Linkeroever - Chandigarh’, the MAS closely collaborates with people and organisations in Linkeroever. Amongst others, we spoke with two residents’ associations in Europark, had coffee with the board of the Sint-Anna College and the secondary school, and visited River Side Studio.

Live wall painting

Three young artists took up the challenge to overhaul a complete wall. Inspired by the 'Instinct' exhibition, they came up with a design. You can see them live at work during the weekend.

More indians, less cowboys

A journey into life below the waterline

On the banks of the river Scheldt, strange and battered figures do regularly wash up. They dream of a second chance and are building a Travelling Reserve for Scheldt jetsam. On display from 3/05 until 22/08/2021.

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