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Website accessibility

Everyone should be able to easily use and view the information on the website of the MAS \ Museum aan de Stroom

Listen. Stories found in the city

30.10.2021 - 15.08.2023

CLOSED - Celebrating its 10th anniversary, the MAS presented a colourful, special exhibition with exciting and moving stories about greedy giants, turbulent loves, demons and heroes. Stories from Antwerp and stories from afar.


Stories found in the city

Exciting and moving stories from Antwerp about greedy giants, turbulent love adventures, demons and heroes ... Together with writer and playwright Dimitri Leue, the museum shows several collection pieces in a compelling audio play. From 30 October 2021 in the MAS.

Website accessibility

Everyone should be able to easily use and view the information on the MAS website.


About the port, people and cargo

In 'Freight' you stop at various 'docks', each of which reveals a different part of the city's connection with world trade. A journey through the history of the port city. On view on the 6th floor.

Antwerp and Japan

Mutual focus

The fascination for Japan from Antwerp's side began early. And, conversely, Antwerp is no stranger to the Japanese either.

Art at the exhibition

In addition to work by 18th-century artist Katsushika Hokusai, known as 'the Rembrandt of Japan', contemporary art was also well represented in the exhibition.

Fashion at the exhibition

Japanese fashion also has a global impact. The exhibition showed how Japanese avant-garde fashion from the 1980s is still alive and well. Visitors were also exposed to Tokyo's colourful Cute Fashion.

Cool Japan voor kinderen

In het najaar van 2019 pakt het MAS uit met de expo 'Cool Japan'. Kinderen kunnen met of zonder hun ouders deelnemen aan workshops of een masterclass. Voor scholen zijn er rondleidingen.

Cool Japan voor kinderen

In het najaar van 2019 pakt het MAS uit met de expo 'Cool Japan'. Kinderen kunnen met of zonder hun ouders deelnemen aan workshops of een masterclass. Voor scholen zijn er rondleidingen.

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