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©Tim Theo Deceuninck

An Pierlé Duo

    Thursday 3 October 2024 from 19:00 to 21:30

An Pierlé and Koen Gisen have become household names. Partners in life & musical crime since about 1997. To celebrate several records in various line-ups, solo outings and life itself, An Pierlé and Koen Gisen return to basics. In as pure a form as possible, piano & vocals and bass clarinet & sax. So simple that they had almost forgotten how well it works. 

With almost 25 years of songs, they have a lot to choose from. A personal ‘Best Of’ reinvented in the moment. Or how music ultimately proves its strength in its barest form. A touching track from an instrumentalist grown into a renowned producer and a playful singer with a voice that oozes heart and soul. 

And above all, there is a lot of warmth. Genuineness. No drum computers, beats nor autotune. Back to the essence. Playing with maturity and a young heart. The unique world they create together effortlessly survives the test of time, the themes prove transportable and transcending, their loyal audience grew with them.   
And above all, they have a huge appetite to share this with a real audience. 

Come relive and discover your childhood memories and new work!


  • 7 pm: Visit at the exhibition 'To the Antarctic'
  • 8.30 pm: Concert


  • What? Visit at the exhibition 'To the Antarctic' + concert
  • When? Thursday 3 October, from 7 pm
  • Cost? € 24 (students and -18 years: € 21)

About the exhibition

To the Antarctic

Belgica's polar pioneers
    Friday 21 June 2024 until Sunday 3 November 2024 from 10:00 to 17:00

From 21 June, come and meet the expedition members of the Belgica. Some 125 years ago, they set off from Antwerp to the last blind spot on the world map: Antarctica. The expedition got stuck in the polar ice and made history as a result. Learn how the men managed to survive, who followed in their footsteps, and what Antarctica is like today.

See also


Late-night visits with intimate concerts

Pay a late-night visit to the ‘To Antarctica’ exhibition. As a bonus, we will provide musical accompaniment. Curious about the rising star of the neo-soul scene? Or do you want to relive your childhood memories with a duo performing their personal ‘best of’? Whatever your preference, expect a delight for ears and eyes!

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