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Sacred Places, Sacred Books

19.09.2014 - 18.01.2015

CLOSED - ‘Sacred Places, Sacred Books’ brought Rome, Mecca and Jerusalem to Antwerp. You discovered the differences and similarities between Judaism, Christianity and Islam. More than 200 works of art, historical and religious treasures were on display.

Evening event

Do you want to visit the Red Star Line Museum with your company, club or organisation outside the regular opening hours? You can!

Glass in MAS

20/04/2018 - 1/10/2018

At the Visible Storage, you could experience the exquisite glass collection of the MAS Vleeshuis collection.

Antwerp Baroque 2018 Opening Weekend

AThe opening weekend of ‘Antwerp Baroque 2018. Rubens inspires’ kicks off on the 1st of June! Visit the new expositions ‘Michaelina’, 'Celebration!' and the solo exhibition of photographer Athos Burez.

Tranzyt Antwerpia

The photographer Herman Selleslags and the author Pascal Verbeken took an unforgettable journey through Europe. They packed the diary of the Jewish teenager Benjamin Kopp, who was born in a village near Warsaw and was a Red Star Line passenger in 1912, in their suitcase.

Le Corbusier. Linkeroever – Chandigarh

6.04.2019 - 18.08.2019

CLOSED - The exhibition immersed the visitor in the ideas of the world famous architect Le Corbusier (1887-1965), but did also let them saunter through the streets of Chandigarh and gave them a look behind Linkeroever’s façades.


19.05.2017 - 20.08.2017

CLOSED - Great art needs no explanation to touch people. Some works of art leave observers bewildered; others allow them to 'see' from a different perspective. The exhibition 'Encounters' was about a universal experience of art. Dancers in the exhibition were guides of sensibility for the observer; they reinforced the total experience.

Dazzling Desire - Diamonds and their emotional meaning

18.10.2017 - 14.01.2018

CLOSED - People have desires. They desire love and security. They desire to understand the meaning of life. They also desire wealth, status and power... In the exhibition Dazzling Desire, visitors discovered how mankind has made these desires tangible with striking objects, often consisting of diamonds.

Guided tour Art from Pre-Columbian America

Together with a guide you'll discover the world famous collection of Paul & Dora Janssen-Arts. This collection consists of more than 400 pre-Columbian objects in gold, jade, stone, textiles and shell.

Baroque Burez

01.06.2018 - 18.03.2019

As part of ‘Antwerp Baroque 2018: Rubens as an inspiration’, MAS welcomed the photographer and artist Athos Burez. With 30 images and installations, he shared his own unique and contemporary view on different genres from the style period: still lifes, portraits, landscapes and interiors.

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