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World Port | About trade and shipping

Closed 22.08.2021

CLOSED | Once the largest port in the world, today the Port of Antwerp is characterised by colourful containers. It connects the city with the rest of the world. The exhibition 'Wordl Port' dived into the history of our port.

Life & Death | Of Gods and mankind

In this exhibition you could find out how others experience and approach the end of life. Across the boundaries of time, culture and religion.

Art from Pre-Columbian America

Collection Paul & Dora Janssen-Arts

A world famous collection that tells us about the extraordinary relationship between man and the world of gods, ancestors and spirits in America before the conquest by the Europeans.

Art from Pre-Columbian America

Collection Paul & Dora Janssen-Arts

A world famous collection that tells us about the extraordinary relationship between man and the world of gods, ancestors and spirits in America before the conquest by the Europeans.

100 x Congo

A century of Congolese art in Antwerp

100 X Congo features one hundred highlights. What stories are hidden behind the objects? How did they end up here? What did they mean to Congolese peoples?

Photo exhibition Horse

A photography project by Heleen Peeters. She immersed herself in the horse (meat) culture around the world. The photographs raised questions: What determines the status of the horse? How is it that traditions change? And what if the same thing happened to other animals?

Ancient Glass

Publication of an extraordinary collection

The ancient glass collection is one of the hidden gems at the MAS. It's part of a valuable glass collection numbering nearly 700 objects. For the first time the subcollection of ancient glass is published in a comprehensive catalogue.

Objects on the move

Many museums in Belgium and abroad are eager to borrow works from the MAS. You may come across pieces from the MAS collection at exhibitions all over the world. Would you like to borrow an artefact for your own exhibition?


Communities and individuals as well as museum and academic partners contribute to the MAS stories. For each project, partners complement each other's knowledge and talents.

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