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Shaky Vessels

MAS X Antwerp Queer Arts Festival

    Friday 9 August 2024 from 14:00 to 14:30
    More dates
    Sunday 11 August 2024 from 20:00 to 20:30

How queer are the old ways of life of pirates? In this playful performance by Rita Bifulco and Reyer Van Barneveld on the MAS square, it is by no means clear anymore who is the shark and who is the prey. On the square, artist Luc Tuymans' artwork 'Dead Skull' is hidden among the stones, where it reminds these artists of a pirate flag. Be amazed by two non-conformist sailors who transform this place into a ship off balance.  


  • What: performance 
  • When:  
    • August 9, from 2 to 2.30 pm 
    • August 11, from 8 to 8.30 pm
  • Where: Dead Skull - square in front of the MAS
  • Cost: free
  • Language: English
  • No reservation required 

View the full programme

MAS Darling

    Wednesday 7 August 2024 until Sunday 11 August 2024 from 10:00 to 17:00

Kom tijdens Antwerp Pride naar de tweede editie van MAS Darling. Een meerdaags festival met talks, workshops, performances en film dat de geschiedenis en diversiteit van de LGBTQI+ gemeenschap onderstreept en viert. Kunstenaars, dansers en sprekers zullen je verwonderen, inspireren en doen stilstaan bij thema’s als gender en seksualiteit. 

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