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Pardon Our Appearance...

MAS X Antwerp Queer Arts Festival

    Friday 9 August 2024 from 18:00 to 20:00

Pardon Our Appearance While We're Under Construction
(or Building a Trans-centered World)

'How many times do you see a trans statue?' Monstera Deliciosa and Kane Stonestreet ask us. Never, we admit reluctantly. Luckily, they offer the perfect solution. Kane and Monstera will provide the square in front of the MAS museum with living trans iconography. In their durational performance, they will be using found materials and improvised body movements to continuously make and unmake themselves and each other. 


  • What: performance 
  • When:  9 August, from 6pm (for as long as it takes) 
  • Where: Dead Skull - square in front of the MAS
  • Cost: free
  • No reservation needed

Bekijk het volledige programma

MAS Darling

    Wednesday 7 August 2024 until Sunday 11 August 2024 from 10:00 to 17:00

Kom tijdens Antwerp Pride naar de tweede editie van MAS Darling. Een meerdaags festival met talks, workshops, performances en film dat de geschiedenis en diversiteit van de LGBTQI+ gemeenschap onderstreept en viert. Kunstenaars, dansers en sprekers zullen je verwonderen, inspireren en doen stilstaan bij thema’s als gender en seksualiteit. 

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