How does the Buddhist tradition view compassion? Is it an aspiration or is it peculiar to human beings? Tibetan teacher Lama Zeupa, Buddhist and meditation expert gives answers to those questions.
Who is Lama Zeupa?
Lama Zeupa has been a teacher in Yeunten Ling since 1993. He comes from Sikkim, on the border with Tibet. He completed his long training with the three-year retreat at Sonada Monastery, near Darjeeling. In 2013, he became spiritual director of Yenten Ling Tibetan Monastery in Hoei. Lama is known as a meditation expert, with an open mind, compassion, wisdom and discipline. The relationship between body and mind has been his focus for many years.
- When: Sunday 11 May at 2pm
- Duration: 90 minutes
- Language: English
- Price:
- Standard rate: €18
- Young adult (18-25 years): € 12
- Child (-18 years): € 12
- A-card: € 12
- Museum pass: € 12
- A-card special rate: € 4