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© British Film Institute

The Great White Silence

(1924, Herbert Ponting)

    Sunday 30 June 2024 from 19:00 to 22:00

Herbert Ponting's official account of Captain Scott's legendary expedition to the South Pole, restored by the BFI and featuring a score by Simon Fisher Turner, captures the otherworldly beauty of the landscape in breathtaking detail and ensured that the expedition's heroism would never be forgotten. 

The BFI National Archive - custodian of the expedition's negatives - made this award-winning restoration using the latest photochemical and digital techniques and reintroduced the sophisticated use of colour.

You will enjoy this documentary in the museum hall of the ‘To the Antarctic’ exhibition. Imagine yourself as a true polar explorer on the Antarctic polar plain and follow Captain Scott's adventurous journey.

This film contains racist language. The MAS does not endorse or associate itself with the language used in this presentation. The MAS strives to provide historically relevant depictions of our past and to give you, the viewer, control over what you watch by being transparent about the content.


  • 7 pm: Visit at the exhibition 'To the Antarctic'
  • 8 pm: Film in the museum hall


  • Date? Sunday 30 June, from 7 pm
  • Cost? € 15 (students and -18 years: € 12)
  • Language? English (without subtitles)

About the exhibition

To the Antarctic

Belgica's polar pioneers
    Friday 21 June 2024 until Sunday 3 November 2024 from 10:00 to 17:00

From 21 June, come and meet the expedition members of the Belgica. Some 125 years ago, they set off from Antwerp to the last blind spot on the world map: Antarctica. The expedition got stuck in the polar ice and made history as a result. Learn how the men managed to survive, who followed in their footsteps, and what Antarctica is like today.

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