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More indians, less cowboys

A journey into life below the waterline

On the banks of the river Scheldt, strange and battered figures do regularly wash up. They dream of a second chance and are building a Travelling Reserve for Scheldt jetsam. On display from 3/05 until 22/08/2021.

Rare and Indispensable

Masterpieces from Flemish collections

Magritte, Bacon, Ensor, Moore, Jordaens, Rubens … These were just some of the world-famous names on display at the MAS. 'Rare and indispensable' brought a unique selection of masterpieces from the Flemish masterpiece list. 


In the new permanent exhibition 'Freight' you stop at various 'docks', each of which reveals a different part of the city's connection with world trade. A journey through the history of the port city.

    Saturday 11 December 2021 until Sunday 29 December 2024 from 10:00 to 17:00


Stories found in the city

CLOSED - Celebrating its 10th anniversary, the MAS presented a colourful, special exhibition with exciting and moving stories about greedy giants, turbulent loves, demons and heroes. Stories from Antwerp and stories from afar.

Photo exhibition Horse

A photography project by Heleen Peeters. She immersed herself in the horse (meat) culture around the world. The photographs raised questions: What determines the status of the horse? How is it that traditions change? And what if the same thing happened to other animals?

+6 World Port

About trade and shipping

Once the largest port in the world, today the Port of Antwerp is characterised by colourful containers. It connects the city with the rest of the world. Dive into the history of our port.

Decolonizing the Arts, a Queer Narrative

    Friday 9 August 2024 from 17:00 to 19:30

Nelly & Nadine

Magnus Gertten (2022)

The unlikely life story of two women who fall in love during World War II.  Nelly's granddaughter Sylvie delves into her grandmother's personal archives and reveals Nelly and Nadine's moving life story. 

    Sunday 11 August 2024 from 20:00 to 22:00

To the Antarctic

Belgica's polar pioneers

Together with a guide, you will depart on the Belgica, heading for Antarctica. During the tour, you will get to know the research ship's very young crew and how they are forced to spend the winter in the Antarctic. You will also reflect on climate warming on the continent today.

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