Researchers and academics have begun to discover more and more about the richness and scholarly potential of museum collections. This, in turn, has stimulated collaborative research activity between researchers and museums.
We hope that Conference delegates will be able to address three main issues:
- How can scholars best utilise maritime collections in their research?
- How should maritime museums most effectively apply the outcomes of academic research to museum products and activities?
- How can universities participate in museums programmes to valorise their findings to the wider public?
Conference Sessions
There will be two sessions at the Conference, each addressing one of the central themes: The Sharing of Knowledge and The Value of Engaging with Artefacts.
Call for Papers
- Proposals will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee
- They have to be submitted in English, the conference language
- Only one proposal per participant will be accepted
- March 15, 2017 is the deadline for submission of the title, authors’ identification (position, institution, email) and an abstract of 500 words.
Paper proposals should be sent to :